Annual Programs
Each spring, the University holds their annual 49-hour fundraising campaign called #NinerNationGives. It encourages the entire university community to support their favorite area on campus and show off their 49er pride. There are so many ways to participate in #NinerNationGives with your college, department, student organization, etc.
To learn more, please contact Shayna Long, Senior Director of Annual Giving.
Faculty & Staff Campaign
For 49-hours, the campaign will highlight University fundraising priorities, student-led initiatives and raise support for student experiences. As faculty & staff, you know the importance of our students’ experiences and our campus priorities more than anyone! Join fellow Niners in this impactful celebration.
For more information, contact Natalie Huie, Assistant Director of Annual Giving
The #NinerNationGives BIG Student Event
49er students – this one’s for you! 🎉 #NinerNationGives is the time of year we rally together and show our Niner Pride like never before! Get ready to join the ultimate celebration at the BIG Student Event in the CHHS/CoEd Quad, right outside the Union, as we celebrate #NinerNationGives, UNC Charlotte’s 49-hour Day of Giving. We paint the town green and show the world what it means to be a Charlotte 49er! By making any size gift, you’re not just donating; you’re empowering fellow Niners to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. So, come one, come all, and let’s make a difference together. Meet us under the big tent, share your love for Charlotte, and snag some awesome Charlotte SWAG while you’re at it! See you there, Niner Nation! 💚🤙
To learn more, visit or contact Sharon Horinka, Associate Director of Annual Giving and Donor Experience
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that follows Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. UNC Charlotte participates by focusing on food insecurity by supporting the Jamil Niner Student Pantry and Niner University Elementary. With the rising cost of groceries, the Student Pantry has increased their shoppers.
Donations directly support the Jamil Niner Student Pantry and Niner University Elementary because no Niner should go hungry this holiday season.
Visit to help #FeedANiner today!
For more information, visit, or contact Natalie Huie, Assistant Director of Annual Giving
🎓 Each year as commencement approaches, graduates come together to leave a lasting legacy that continues the tradition of paying it forward. The Class Gift Campaign is our chance to enrich the experiences of future Niners who dream of walking these halls. We know that without support, many wouldn’t be able to afford the education they deserve. As we reflect on the incredible moments and life-changing experiences we’ve had here, let’s come together to make a difference. Throughout the year, this campaign calls on every student to contribute, no matter the amount. Enjoy exclusive perks like a personalized brick on 49er Way, a physical and permanent reminder of your commitment to UNC Charlotte’s bright future. It’s thanks to you we ensure that the journey we’ve cherished can be shared by generations to come. 🧱💚
To learn more, visit or contact Allison Cales, Coordinator of Student Philanthropy Initiatives
YOur First Pick
This initiative provides our newest Niner Alumni with the opportunity to start their philanthropic journey. Thanks to the generosity of a Charlotte alum, we give our graduates $2 at commencement to make their first PICK 🤙 They can Invest in themselves or support future Niners by PICKING a program, college or area of campus that means the most to them 🎓
Not sure where to support? The Evergreen Scholarship Fund is a unique and flexible scholarship fund designated to help our students with their ultimate goal – to graduate. Or pick the Jamil Niner Student Pantry, which provides assistance to UNC Charlotte students who struggle with food insecurities, helping ensure that every student has access to nutritious food.
“I’m a proud alumna of this incredible university! As the former senior class president, supporting my alma mater is an act in which I take pride in, that truly brings me joy. To me, it’s an investment in Charlotte’s education, and innovation, and helps foster all of the amazing resources provided by this great university. By contributing, you empower students to excel, drive research advancements, and strengthen UNC Charlotte’s impact on the community, creating a lasting legacy of positive change!
Giving back is the gift that keeps giving!! Gooooo Niners!”
– Judith VanBowen Class of 2023

Ready to make your first pick? Click HERE!
To learn more, contact Allison Cales, Coordinator of Student Philanthropy Initiatives